Breathing Life Into a Leading Insurer's Website

3 min read
Team looking at something at laptop. Looking happy

The challenge

Our client, a major player in the financial services industry, was looking to improve their web presence and enhance their website's performance. The existing website was functional, but lacked the company’s desired level of user experience, speed, and flexibility for future management. They needed an organised platform migration, coupled with a modern content management solution, to bolster their digital presence.

The solution

Our team undertook a comprehensive "lift and shift" approach, migrating their existing website to a more dynamic, flexible, and efficient platform. In parallel, we implemented a headless CMS (Content Management System) to provide more control and flexibility over content presentation across various user interfaces.

This strategic combination retained the core functionality of the existing website, while significantly enhancing its presentation and performance.

The results

Our client was now operating one of Ireland’s best financial services websites. With Effco’s help, they received:

Enhanced user experience

The platform migration, coupled with the headless CMS, greatly improved the website's user experience. The responsive website design ensured optimal viewing on both desktop and mobile devices, increasing overall user satisfaction.

Improved website performance

The new platform boosted website speed and performance. Pages loaded faster and the website was more responsive to user actions, offering a smoother, more enjoyable browsing experience.

Greater flexibility and control

The headless CMS provided unprecedented flexibility and control over content management. This allowed for more dynamic presentation of web content and seamless content distribution across internal and external channels.

Cost savings

The strategic platform migration and headless CMS implementation resulted in a reduction in maintenance costs. The new platform's enhanced performance and the ease of content management led to time savings, further reducing costs.

Future-proof solution

Our solution was designed to adapt and grow with the client's needs. They could now update and manage the website more effectively, keeping content fresh and relevant post-migration. This ensures that the website remains a valuable asset for the client in the long term.

This digital transformation case study highlights our strategic approach to website migration. By implementing a "lift and shift" process and a headless CMS, we helped a major insurance provider enhance their web presence, improve website performance, and create a more engaging and flexible user experience. This project demonstrates the advantages of digital technology in business.

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